Wednesday, October 26, 2011

"Come Read A Book"

Sky Reading by A Chance of Sunshine
Come up and sit down in my tree,
Come up and read a book with me.
We'll read until the story is complete,
Then write the title and author on a leaf.
We'll place the leaf on the limb of the tree,
With every book read, each leaf will hang free.
Soon our tree will be full of leaves!
Every branch will have bended,
For this is a tree that carries the leaves,
Of all of the books we love to read.


Kevin Routh said...

Nicely done! Perfect companion to the picture. :)

keiths ramblings said...

Whata delightful poem.

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

creative and playfully fun take.

enjoyed the read.


Rose said...

Lovely read.

Marbles in My Pocket said...

I like it!

Maggie said...

A terrific child's tale. : )

K. Shawn Edgar said...

Colorful and fun to read, like a good book.

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of each book read being a leaf on the tree. A lovely image.

Anonymous said...

I love this poem. Great job!

The Orange Tree said...

the more you read, the more leaves the tree has, what divine idea.

enjoyed your tale very much.

e.a.s. demers said...

nicely done! The idea of the tree's leaves holding the names of all the books you've read is wonderful! :-)