Sunday, December 18, 2011

"The Beauty of December"

photo and poem by gigi ann
Decembers Beauty
When the days are short
And the nights are long
When we can curl up by the fire
And read a good book, or sing a song.

Decembers Beauty
When snowflakes softly fall and 
Make not a sound
Beautifying all they touch and surround
While dancing on my windowsill and
Covering the trees like sparkling fairy dust.

Decembers Beauty
When the moon shines down casting its glow
Making my lawn shine like tiny diamonds glistening
While the man-in-the-moon casts his light down... 
 On all the beauty here below.
Decembers Beauty


Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

love this, wow.

amazing December song.

Anonymous said...

some people love December more than any other month

Anonymous said...

Beautiful work.

Blossom Vydrina said...

beautiful poem for a beautiful season

Marbles in My Pocket said...

A wonderful poem, Gigi Ann! Very descritive, good rhyming and very nice flow. Good one!

rosie@travel-i-tales said...

Beautiful, both the image and the rhyme.

hyperCRYPTICal said...

Beautiful December indeed! Merry Christmas!

Anna :o]

Katherine said...

Beautiful poem in this beautiful December. I enjoyed reading you piece :)

~L said...

My favorite read thus far today! This poem really pulled me in! Great post... gave me something to be thankful for... despite the gray sky.... there are beautiful moments in December!

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful.

Teresa Marie said...

Very pretty, well written and gives you a warm cozy feeling!! A pleasure to read. Blessings and Merry Christmas, Terri

JANU said...

And a beautiful poem indeed.

Elizena said...

I could see all of this as I read it. A blanket of snow that covered everything and sparkled like diamonds on the trees. I wanted to call my brother over, we call him the Mexican Santa Claus, to read this because I knew that even though we'll have no snow for Christmas, this would have brightened up his day.
I think when he gets home I'll share it with him. It was beautiful.

senses of soul said...

greeting from Malaysia =)

Rose said...

Ah you do paint with words I could see the scenes presented by each of your verses. Beautiful Ann! May you have a happy new year!

Kay said...

I love this. It's such a wondrous ode to all the joy December brings.