Wednesday, January 4, 2012

"Yellow Umbrella"

Have you ever seen a yellow umbrella fly?
Yes! When the wind blew it clear to the sky!
While watching it float away in the clouds so high.
I hugged my daisies and closed my eyes.
And waved and whispered, "Umbrella, good-bye."


Leigh Covington said...

Awww! I love this! I know it's sad that she loses her umbrella, but I love the use of rhyme and the beat of it. Fabulous job!

Maggie said...

Very cute. Fits perfectly. : )

Marbles in My Pocket said...

Very nice poem! Great use of the prompt!

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

very light take.

enjoyed it.

Kay said...

Wonderfully fun write!

Natalie said...

a pleasant read, well done.

Anonymous said...

vivid description on how you got to fly.

love it.

Anonymous said...

Wonderfully fun, this was a pleasure to read, thanks!

Traci B said...

A sweet poem about gracefully letting go; I enjoyed it greatly.

Teresa Marie said...

Loved it, Gigi Ann!! very sweet indeed. Blessings, Terri

Natalie said...

delightful thoughts, well done.

Rose said...

Ah, so sweet! beautiful image

Kay said...


Elizena said...

I loved it Gigi Ann! Thanks for opening this up and letting me read it. It was wonderful and brought back some awesome childhood memories of me playing in the grass in the fields near my home in South Texas.
Hope to be reading more of you. Be blessed.

Cynthia said...

Lovely, should be in a chilren's book for this poem would make
any child's day sunny.

A Lady's Life said...

this is a very nice poem and so true how they can fly away on you.Or turn inside out. lol